Tuesday, July 1, 2008

How to Increase the Size of My Penis - Frequently Asked Questions

For a long time I struggled with the question of how to increase the size of my penis. I was 21, endowed at five-and-a-half inches, and very insecure about it. Before I discovered all natural penis enlargement methods, I wasted a lot of time and money on "snake oil" in the form of pills, creams, and devices that unscrupulous salespeople threw my way.

Once I actually took the time to learn about the science of penis enlargement and how natural male enhancement methods work to give permanent, lasting results, I started seeing real, legitimate size gains for the first time in my life.

To keep other men from spending too much time stumbling down the wrong path like I did, here are the answers to some very frequently asked questions about penis enlargement:

What is truly considered to be a "big penis"?

According to the most reliable statistical data, average is right around six inches, with the majority of adult men having penises that fall somewhere in the five-inch to seven-inch range. Anything above that would generally be considered to be "big".

How many inches can I add to my penis using natural male enhancement methods?

Anyone who puts any sort of effort into his routine should be able to see a minimum of a one-inch gain. The average person will gain two to three inches, and the serious overachievers have been known to add four or more.

What should I look for when choosing a nature penis enlargement method?

Always make sure that it is truly all-natural and involves no external agents like pills or pumps, that it does not require a huge time commitment daily (under ten minutes is ideal), and that it is backed by a 100% guarantee.

I can tell you from experience that after I figured out how to increase the size of my penis and the gains started becoming noticeable, it was one of the greatest feelings in the world! Myself and my partner could not be any happier. I hope you will follow down the same path that I did and start working toward that long, thick, impressive penis today!

You can buy Penis Growth Oil here


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darkcow's weblog

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