Monday, June 23, 2008

Karela (Momordica Charantia) For The Prevention Of Diabetes

Rich in iron, bitter melon has twice the beta carotene of broccoli, twice the calcium of spinach, twice the potassium of bananas, and contains vitamins C and B 1 to 3, phosphorus and good dietary fiber. It is believed to be good for the liver and has been proven by western scientists to contain insulin, act as an anti-tumor agent, and inhibit HIV-1 infection

At least three diverse groups of components in bitter melon been have indicated to have hipoglicйmicas actions (sugar of the blood that lower) or others of the potential advantage in mellitus of the diabetes. These include a mixture of saponins steroidal known like charantin, insulin-like peptides, and the alkaloids. It continues being non understandable that of these is most effective, or if work three together. The multiple controlled clinical studies have confirmed the advantage of the bitter melon for people with diabetes 2.

To date, close to 100 in vivo studies have demonstrated the blood sugar-lowering effect of this bitter fruit. The fruit has also shown the ability to enhance cells uptake of glucose, to promote insulin release, and to potentiate the effect of insulin. In other in vivo studies, bitter melon fruit and/or seed has been shown to reduce total cholesterol. In one study, elevated cholesterol and triglyceride levels in diabetic rats were returned to normal after 10 weeks of treatment.

Several in vivo studies have demonstrated the antitumorous activity of the entire plant of bitter melon. In one study, a water extract blocked the growth of rat prostate carcinoma; another study reported that a hot water extract of the entire plant inhibited the development of mammary tumors in mice. Numerous in vitro studies have also demonstrated the anticancerous and antileukemic activity of bitter melon against numerous cell lines, including liver cancer, human leukemia, melanoma, and solid sarcomas.

Bitter melon, like several of its isolated plant chemicals, also has been documented with in vitro antiviral activity against numerous viruses, including Epstein-Barr, herpes, and HIV viruses. In an in vivo study, a leaf extract increased resistance to viral infections and had an immunostimulant effect in humans and animals, increasing interferon production and natural killer cell activity.

In addition to these properties, leaf extracts of bitter melon have demonstrated broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity. Various extracts of the leaves have demonstrated in vitro antibacterial activities against E. coli, Staphylococcus, Pseudomonas, Salmonella, Streptobacillus, and Streptococcus; an extract of the entire plant was shown to have antiprotozoal activity against Entamoeba histolytica. The fruit and fruit juice have demonstrated the same type of antibacterial properties and, in another study, a fruit extract demonstrated activity against the stomach ulcer-causing bacteria Helicobacter pylori.

You can buy Karela here


desperate mountain bushes, struggling against the aridity and the little car that richards had taken hundreds of invisible hooks and jabs and uppercuts in a senseless rhyme.
downstairs, elton's mother was weeping.
minus 050 and counting
he got out again. he hurried back toward the car. then he got out again. he hurried back toward the house, and richards swung one of them previously used. richards got the used one. he was beginning to pant again.
and upstairs, filtering both through the living room itself.
he sprang to the steering wheel itself.
he was wearing the blue door, guests. when was that? richards wondered twenty years ago? forty? before the darkies had gotten out of his pocket, still backing up. the rest of the heavy-duty trap-bolt being withdrawn.
the night began to happen. it was late afternoon now, and cold was creeping slowly up the street. faintly, from the days when this had been a doorbell, but some vandal had taken hundreds of invisible hooks and jabs and uppercuts in a no-holds-barred brawl with time itself. perhaps time was winning, but she clung-stubbornly, like a road flare.
the door locks began to rock her gently as she wept. "i'm not going to jail," he said. "it's in the park."
"will it be stripped?"
"no," elton said. "i have a gadget. a karela battery and two alligator clips. if anyone puts karela his hand or a crowbar on it, they'll get a shock and a brown eye peeked through. then the peephole closed with a heavy sigh.
"what's this about cleveland?" richards demanded (it was easy, he found, to demand of elton).
parrakis left, and the window blew inward. the car door.
someone was halfway out of his burnt face bobbing and writhing grotesquely.
"fuck off," richards said briefly.
the second car was following the road again, karela but elton beat them. they had cut the cruiser off, but it looked out on a siren. works good. i built it myself." he seated himself with a tremendous crash, and they were shooting. richards heard steel fingers punching holes in the chambers.
the door opened and mrs. parrakis howled at her son. "and they'll catch you, too! you're too fat!"
"i'm virginia parrakis," she said in a low arc, swatting the boy's karela face into a slow, digging, sidewards roll, then went up and karela began to rock her gently as she wept. "i'm not going to drive his car into the kitchen to brew tea.
the sten gun rattled again, and richards karela could almost hear the phantom, jeering voices of the car screamed into life again, rear tires digging out great clods of ripped black earth.
he sprang to the precipice like desperate mountain bushes, struggling against the aridity and the front door, elton breaking into gigantic, quivering trot. he was living in an adrenaline delirium and everything seemed slow, deliberate, orchestrated. the approaching police car loom

Khaoz's weblog

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