Thursday, June 26, 2008

Five Best Exercise Ideas for Asthmatics

Do you want (or need!) to get more active, but you find yourself coughing, wheezing and so out of breath you have to stop and go back to your television program? You may have what doctors refer to as exercise-induced asthma. Exercise can trigger asthma symptoms in some individuals, but it can also help your body transfer oxygen in and out of your body more efficiently. Studies have shown that individuals who are overweight tend to have more trouble controlling their asthma than those who keep their weight to recommended levels. The key to exercising with asthma is to take a few precautions before you begin. Here are five ideas to consider before you begin your new exercise program:

1. First, consider the type of exercise that might work best for you. It is thought that exercise may trigger asthma attacks by exposing the lungs to cold, dry air. Our noses function to warm and humidify the air that we breathe in, but when we exercise, we tend to breathe through our mouths. Sports that involve prolonged constant activity or that take place in cold weather may cause more problems than other activities. Sports that may make your asthma worse include soccer, hockey, basketball, and long distance running. Sports that tend to be better for asthmatics include swimming, walking, football, and golfing because they involve shorter bursts of energy. Swimming in indoor pools can be particularly good because the air around the pool tends to be heated and humidified.

2. Talk to your doctor about using inhaled corticosteroids prior to exercise. A recent study by Dr. Hans Haverkamp published in the July 2007 issue of Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology found that using inhaled corticosteroids prior to exercise improved pulmonary gas exchange and performance and may increase arterial oxygenation.

3. Singulair (montelukast) has also recently been found to have a preventative effect for asthmatics when taken two hours before exercise and may last for up to 24 hours.

4. Use a short-acting albuterol inhaler (like Proventil or Ventolin) about ten minutes prior to exercising and carry the inhaler with you at all times. Remember, long-acting bronchodilators (like Serevent), inhaled corticosteroids and Singulair only help to prevent asthma attacks--they won't help you improve your breathing when you are having an acute asthma attack.

5. Drink plenty of water, especially on warm days. Warm up slowly and cool down slowly when exercising.

Talk to your doctor about exercising, particularly if you haven't done much in a while. They might want to do pulmonary function testing to determine your exercise tolerance first. Have fun!

You can buy Proventil here


filled in his ears.
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